Thursday, December 11, 2008

I was reading in Exodus last week and I got to thinking about Moses and his journey with God.  It's ridiculous how Moses saw God (through the burning bush) and talked to God audibly, but when it came down to God telling him to do something (go to Egypt and save the people) he came up w/ all these excuses about how he wasn't equipped for the task. He made excuses about his ability to speak and had a hard time trusting that God was going to be with him through it all. Anyways, it got me thinking. 

Most of us come up with excuses all the time.  God lays something on our hearts that seems pretty awesome, but we start listing our iniquities and short comings in an effort to excuse ourselves from responding and acting.  And these things can range from little 'in the moment' kind of things to big 'this is a big deal' kind of thing.  I'm guilty of this.  God will put it on my heart to do something, but then I just let it slip.  Sometimes I use my short comings as an excuse and other times it's probably just laziness and selfishness.

So how do you know if God's telling you to do something?  I think it varies from person to person.  I know that with me, sometimes God just puts these ideas in my head or gives me these gut reactions to things.  I think for everyone, our conscience plays a huge part in what God wants us to do.  If you have this idea that is pure and right that has potential to help someone and has no gain for you, then it's probable that God wants you to do it.  There are some people out there who supposedly get these "God Ideas" but when it comes down to it, their real motivation is for personal gain.  That is not what God wants out of us.  God didn't send Moses back to Egypt for Moses' sake.  He sent Moses to Egypt because He heard the cry of His people and wanted to save them.  It wasn't about Moses, it was about a people in need of rescue.

It was somewhat encouraging to know that even Moses, who had a visual and tangible experience with God, struggled to do what God was telling him to do.  But it's not an excuse to not do the things God wants us to do.  We need to listen to what God wants us to do, and trust that He will be right there with us. So whatever God puts on your heart to do, do it courageously because God wants you to give it your all and do it with faith knowing that if He has charged you with the task, He'll be right there to see you through it too.