Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life Update

Well... my post last July said that I was going to run a 1/2 marathon w/ my brother. HAHAHA! That's not going to happen. Not because I haven't gotten into better shape, but more for the fact that I HATE running! I've run a little bit, but nowhere near the amount I'd have to to be able to run a 1/2 marathon. But I am now in a lot better of shape and still have a long way to go. So far, I've lost slightly over 50lbs! But I'd still really like to lose another 50lbs. We'll see what happens. Here's a pic of my face to give you an idea of the progress. I didn't take a full body 'before' pic, which I now regret. But this is better than nothin:

On another note... we are having a baby! Hannah is due July 20. We're both really excited. We had the ultrasound yesterday and that was awesome. We had the ultrasound lady write down the gender of the baby and place it in a sealed envelope. Hannah and I are going to go out tomorrow on a date night and we'll open it then. But that way we get to spend some awesome time with one another and celebrate. The ultrasound yesterday was between her getting out of her high school day and then going to the night class she teaches at the local community college. So we wanted to find the gender out when we had some time to hang out and celebrate. And if you're curious... we aren't sure yet if we're going to tell anyone else. Kinda fun to keep secrets from everybody else ;)

So that's what's going on lately. Hope that this finds you doing well!